Whatever the reasons behind it, moving will represent a big change for all members of the family. Emotional fatigue and confusion can cause emotions to run high and tempers to run short. Prior preparation will enable your whole family to better handle the move.

Here are several ideas for making the transition as smooth as possible for your children:
Include the children in making plans for the move, e.g. take them with you, if possible, when you go hunting for a new house.
If you are moving to a distant place, help your children to learn about the new area.
Let the children help decide how their new rooms are to be arranged and decorated.
Take time to make a last visit to places that your family are particularly fond of.
Encourage the children to exchange addresses with their friends. If practical, give thought to allowing them to have their old friends visit them at the new home. A telephone call to an old friend is a low cost way to relieve post move depression.
Prepare a package for each child containing favourite toys, clothing and snacks. Label it with the child’s name.
Even the most friendly and well tempered pets can become very confused when the moving process takes place. The most mildly tempered creatures can become aggressive when the family home is being moved. Some pets have never even seen so many people or so much disruption to their environment before. Therefore careful consideration of pets and their transportation needs to take place.
Pets cannot be shipped in our removal vans. If the pet travels with you it will retain a sense of identity.
Pets can become frightened and bolt away from you out of open doors and windows. Keep your pet on a leash when outside your car or hotel.
Some pets may be need sedating before moving. Please consult your vet for more advice.
It is comforting for pets to travel with familiar voices.
Please remember to keep your pets “out of the way” while the removal is taking place.
Keep cats and dogs in one room while your furniture is being loaded or unloaded.
Cats should be transported in a secure basket at least 50cm x 28cm x 28cm.
Do not feed cats or dogs 12 hours before the journey to minimise the risk of travel sickness.
If you are worried about your pet an option is to have them micro chipped, (ask your vet for details) and have anID collar or tag for them. Fit leg bands on birds, which carry your name, telephone number and address in case they do go missing.
If your pet has been micro chipped, please remember to inform the relevant authority of your new address.
Important – You should never leave your pets unattended in a hot, cold or poorly ventilated car for any amount of time.
